Monday, April 9, 2012

Amazing Brussel Sprouts

Amazing Roasted Brussel Sprouts:
4 cups fresh brussel sprouts or 1 bag frozen
3 tbsp olive oil

for fresh brussels:
1. cut in half, cook in boiling water 5 mins
2.  pour oil in fry pan and mix in brussels
3.  cook for 5 mins before stirring
4.  stir and let cook 5 mins
5. season with salt and pepper
6. enjoy!
for frozen brussels:
1. microwave according to package
2. rinse with cold water in strainer
3. cut in half
4. pour oil in fry pan and mix in brussels
5.  cook for 5 mins before stirring
6.  stir and let cook 5 mins
7. season with salt and pepper
8.  enjoy!

Brussel sprout benefits: